This piece is based on a manuscript in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Ms 13096), dating from the 14th c. The left side is a copy (not exact) of a full page illumination in that manuscript, and the right side is the text that goes with the left side illumination. I have given the text in Latin, not French as in the original. The images surrounding the text are based on other illuminations in the manuscript, but placed in different configurations. The text is from Revelation 15, the last book of the Bible, which relates St. John's visions of the seven angels dispensing plagues onto the earth. Musicians sing the portion of the text in red.
Watercolor, gouache metallic gouache, 24K Gold leaf, Sumi and acrylic ink are the main artist media used here.
This piece is currently for sale, but if sold, I can make a copy for you. Copies will never be exact, and will have their own idiosyncracies. Price available upon request.
If you wish to purchase a print, please note that the 24K gold on the original will not translate perfectly. I have done my best to photography the piece to bring out the glint of the gold, but photography has its limits.
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