Halloween Art by Tony Buillon, Susan Sorrell Hill, Liedeke Bulder, Linda Boardman, Joseph York, Cheryl Eng, Rich Ponder, Tom Sarmo, Kim Curinga, Charlene Matthews, Julie Barbeau, Terri Sanders, Pam Stern, Matthew Benson, Dru Kuhlman & Mickey Cunningham.

The Lady Slices by Cheryl Eng
The Lady Slices
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Cheryl Eng
Threatened by Tony Bouillon
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Tony Bouillon
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Terri Mcknight Sanders
Spires #1 by Mickey Cunningham
Spires #1
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Mickey Cunningham
Pressurization in Red
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Terri Mcknight Sanders
Floating Moon Man
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Tom Sarmo
Black Box Series # 5
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Matthew A. Benson
Masks by Charlene Murphy Fine Art
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Charlene Murphy Fine Art
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Kim Curinga
Age of Decay
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Tony Bouillon
Fantasy Gothic Red Rose in Jar  by Dru Kuhlman
Fantasy Gothic Red Rose in Jar
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Dru Kuhlman
Anxious Jack
Tom Sarmo
"Imprinting the Ancients"
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Rich Ponder
Crow by Cheryl Eng
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Cheryl Eng
Abstract Self-Portrait As A Zombie
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Joseph Ray York
Close to the Bone
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Linda Boardman
All Hallow's Eve
Liedeke Bulder
Demons to Tea no. 2 by      The Art Of Susan Sorrell Hill
Demons to Tea no. 2
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
The Art Of Susan Sorrell Hill
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Brian Kirk
Julie Barbeau
Discarded Ver. 3 by Cheryl Eng
Discarded Ver. 3
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Cheryl Eng
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Paul Bloomfield
Inner Beauty by Tony Bouillon
Inner Beauty
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Tony Bouillon
Zoie # III
 (original piece not for sale on the Artspan Marketplace)
Matthew A. Benson