This piece is inspired from the song "The Sound of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel. The image shows a figure on the left thinking about someone or something he had lost. On the right shows "darkness my old friend". This drawing depicts a moment in his life where he feels alone. At this low point of his life he finds that the only one who seems to comfort him is "darkness".
Dark figures typically symbolize evil or a side of someone that is usually kept away. This is a moment where he realizes that this dark side is part of him and he becomes accepting of this. The dark figure is shown in a relaxed state leaning looking over to the figure on the left. This gesture gives a sense of calm. The contrast of white and black from the two figures symbolizes a Ying Yang where two sides together create and equilibrium.
I hope this drawing helps those who have felt this same feeling of accepting both sides of themselves and those who felt a sense of feeling alone after loosing someone or something.
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