Sharon Nelson-Bianco
I LOVE COLOR! Color can move you, thrill you, calm you, warm you and make you feel life is wonderful! Love of mysteries and curiosity to explore influence my use of various art media to portray my mind images. I believe that everyone should smile and enjoy art in a unique personal way. Capturing the essence of the moment in original one of a kind contemporary oil, acrylic or watercolor paintings allows me to explore many subjects and experiences. B.A. Studio Arts - University of Illinois Major: Studio Arts - Painting Minor: Photography Master Classes: Northern Illinois University (toward MBA) Post Graduate: Art Institute of Chicago; University of Wisconsin Art Affiliations: Venice Art Center, Women Painters of the Southeast, Oil Painters of America, National Oil & Acrylic Painters' Society, Florida Watercolor Society, St. Augustine Art Association, Acrylic Painters USA and Manatee Art Center

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