Cheryl Gaines

Relative Reality

My original monoprints are created with the finest materials, printed on 22x15'' archival paper. Prints are then extended with mixed media, pastel, pencil, watercolor, ink, collage, acrylic, etc. The work continues in series, charting my realities and inviting the viewer to examine their own path.

I recall the time before I wake – when I’m floating in this grey veil. I’m Aware, but not yet Awake. My Mind is flooded with information – sometimes I choose not to view or maybe select one path; but often, I choose to view it all, drifting in and out. What hunches, hints and clues will I come away with when I wake?

This new series “Predictions” captures some of these meanderings. In works on paper: mixed media (monoprint, collage and pencil), symbols and a connectedness of inner and outer worlds appear. Come, explore a different reality –

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