Lidia Scher Art

An Unblocked Heart

When you are faced with what could be understood as a difficult life situation and decide to look within for how the event fits into your life path, you begin to see that actually, life is offering you an opportunity to be grateful.

The situation could very well be a gift!

Difficulties are unexpected. They make us stop and force us to consider an action. If we can perceive the difficulty as a gift that happened for us and not to us, it is indeed a very valuable gift.

Gifts elicit feelings of gratefulness. When we perceive a life situation as such, our outlook shifts to feeling happy and joyful. Actions planned with such a demeanor will lead to opportunities that will enrich us and train us to be more curious, more resilient, and more powerful.

This painting was created 2 weeks after surgery to remove a blocked main artery in my heart. On that day I entered my studio and selected a surface size and materials that matched my energy levels.

Accustomed to connecting deeply with Source through the meditative creative process, I opened my heart-no pun intended, to understanding the import of the recent experience.

After contemplating the art for over a month, the title and the answers became clear; I was forced, in a very physical way to stop rushing through life and take time to reflect on the thoughts and feelings that lead to the physical blockage.

In being present, and grateful for being alive, I understood that this was a unique opportunity. My heart now unblocked could render itself more open to receiving love if I was willing to release the murky filters of the past.

Thus, I contemplated and listened deeply to the fears I had accumulated, and lovingly released them for what they were, a creation of my ego-mind that I could transform into love and trust.

I looked at the guilt I allowed to cramp me like armor, and like the fears, I opted for comfortable swimming gear. There were life situations I could not on my own shift at the moment, but the thoughts were no longer terrorizing me. Being alive was liberating and it filled me with irrepressible joy.

Free to flow, I began to appreciate myself as a powerful creator who adds value to people's lives, and in the mirror, I saw my gifts, my talents and my worth. I was grateful and felt happy.

If you like to read about my experience and learn more from my newfound wisdom, cut and paste this link onto your browser,

And if you are attracted to the art, make it an opportunity to purchase it, contemplate it, and explore ways to unblock your heart without medical intervention. You will surely enjoy life more fully.

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